Feb 11, 2010

Pixel Animation Examples

12 frames

2 frames!


I have almost finished the pixel tutorials, after which I shall show more examples of the evolution of pixels. I shall also show what we deal with on the internet every day that is actually made up of millions of pixels.

Feb 9, 2010

Under Construction

The following pages are currently under construction and revision:
Both tutorial pages.

Feb 8, 2010

Pixel Animation

Pixel animations can range from a very simple blinking instance, or a complicated walking sequence. This is done by either adding pixels, changing pixel colors, or removing pixels. Depending on the subject of the pixel, it may be very complicated or easy.

To animate, you create a series of pictures that when one is put on top of the other it gives the illusion of movement. Many children did this at a young age, with a flip book. This is how cartoons are created, an image is replaced above the previous with slight movement.

Pixel Art Summary

Pixel art is a fine art, usually categorized by older game art. All images on an electronic is made up of hundreds of thousands of "pixels." A pixel is a small square of color. Pixels are among the easiest art forms to "animate" due to the fact that it's a little less complicated then drawn art. This is because pixel art usually has a defined "pixel" characteristic. For example the picture to the left is an enlarged photo of the pixelized "Mario" character, you can tell this is pixelized because it is made up by squares of colors, which are easy to adjust to make it seem as though the picture is moving.

Many people argue that pixel art is a very easy and often lame art form. However, pixel artists have adjusted with the days and new programs and have made their pixel art compete with the very art most people worship! Though most merely create pixel art in their spare time.